Friday, December 29, 2006

Little Girl Lost

A little girl--no more than 6 years old--was in tears because she lost her daddy. She was rather calm about it, which was nice. So she took me by the hand and we went and looked for her daddy. Then when she saw him, I haven't seen a little girl hold on that tight to her father in a long time. Her eyes were closed and she was just so happy to be with her father. It was just a sweet moment. I wonder if I could ever be that content, that in the moment again.
I finished The Wee Free Men and enjoyed it so much have checked out A Hat Full of Sky and Wintersmith, the next two in the Tiffany Aching series. Also read The Amazing Life of Birds: The Twenty Day Puberty Journal of Duane Homer Leech by Gary Paulsen. This book was incredibly funny. Lots of laugh out loud moments. Still trying to read as much as fast as I can for the booktalk I'll be doing towards the end of January. I have a bunch of young adult books to read, as well (not to mention the newest Princess Diaries book I bought--yes, I am a nerd, I realize this, but I like books and I like good stories. Sue me). Hopefully I'll finish A Hat Full of Sky this weekend. And then I'll probably pop on to Wintersmith.

Friday, December 22, 2006

It's a laugh.

I've finished Larklight! by Philip Reeve, which was spectacular. Really enjoyed that one.
Currently reading The Wee Free Men by Terry Pratchett. This is only my second encounter with Pratchett (the first was Good Omens written by him and Neil Gaiman) and it's a hoot.
Needed to share this bit, as it made me laugh out loud when I read it.

Miss Tick sniffed. "You could says this advice is priceless," she said. "Are you listening?"
"Yes," said Tiffany.
"Good. Now . . . if you trust in yourself . . . "
". . . and believe in your dreams . . ."
". . . and follow your star . . ." Miss Tick went on.
". . . you'll still get beaten by people who spent their time working hard and learning things and weren't so lazy. Good-bye." (from page 36.)

It's just something my father would say. Which is why I found it so funny. Hope you found a bit of a giggle at it.

Monday, December 18, 2006

I think that I shall never see

a sight so lovely as a child with a book.
Of course, I'm in one of those irrepressibly good moods today, so that could be part of it.
I'm especially fond of the kids who try to read and walk at the same time, moving ever so slowly as their parents beg, plead, and cajole them to move at a bit of a faster pace.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

...and other duties as assigned.

I meant to update Friday (no, I haven't finished a book) but was a bit distracted by various visitors popping in to chat (and patrons to help, of course).
The librarian I was working with on Friday night and I were sewing "Property of ..." tags onto the new puppets and stuffed animals and she made the comment about how interesting it was that we both have our MLS and we're sewing labels on to stuffed animals. I was thinking of that nice little catch all on the job description that says "Other duties as assigned." I suppose that would count as another duty.
Other news, which is both sad and good. One of our librarians is moving on to better things, and her selection areas are going to be vacated and I'm super excited because she's got DVDs and popular music. So I nabbed those and also one of the programs she runs. It's more work for me, but I'll have ultimate control over the movies that come into the library. *insert evil laugh here* Music I'm sort of excited about, especially after speaking to one of the library's vendors and the new things his company has in store for music cds. I just need to listen to the radio more so I can be hip to the music the kids are listening to. :>) It's good news for me and sad because this librarian who is leaving rocks, but she'll be happier somewhere else.
Right well that's about it for the updated; I seem to be having the damnedest time finishing The Trial of Queen Caroline. (It's not bad, I just have been slightly anti-reading lately. Two history books in a row can do that to me.)

Monday, December 04, 2006

On to a new book.

Finally finished Love and Louis XIV (remarkably there was a library snow day on Friday--the weather was so awful the library was closed!) and I must say, it was interesting. There wasn't a great deal about Louis; one got impressions of his character but not an overwhelming image of him. I suppose that was the intention of the book, to look at Louis from the view of his personal life and through the women influential in his life. It was bad, and was definitely better than a military history (those always make me crazy. I can never keep anything straight).
I still don't know much about French history, but it was interesting in perspective of a personal history. The bottom line, as I ramblingly come to it, is that I enjoyed it.
I am very early into The Trial of Queen Caroline which thus far is interesting. I'm still at the basic background information on her and the early years of marriage and separation. I'm just about to start the chapter titled "Regency." I think I'll like this one. Scandal!
I'm collecting more titles to read for a booktalk I have to give to advanced reading 4th graders in January. Which means it'll be awhile before I get to the new Michael Crichton, Next, which makes me sad. I may just read it regardless of library book statuses. Because it is Crichton. I've found that his latest novels are very enjoyable and readable. He's formulaic in the very broadest of senses and there's always something new and sometimes a little frightening in his stories. I can't wait!
That's all for today. Once I finish the book on Caroline, I'll let you know. Happy reading.