Wednesday, November 29, 2006

I hope I'm not that nosy.

A patron is browsing for some materials and has left her basket on my desk. Too much to carry apparently.
Then another patron walks by and peeks into the basket and sticks his hand in there and starts rooting around what she's got.
"That's another patron's materials," I try to say as politely and smile-y as I can.
"I know," he says, "I'm just looking."
What would compel a grown man to look at another person's stuff? (I can't say I've never done this, nor will I try to deny it, but not in the library. I don't care what people are checking out. Even when working in circulation, I opened the books to find the barcodes but did not pay attention to the actual books.) Have we become a society that needs to know what other people are checking out from the library? And you'll argue that the lady should keep the basket with her, and I won't disagree, but it just seems ballsy and rude to poke around another patron's stuff that they've left on a librarian's desk with a librarian sitting there.
Ah well. What do I know?


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