Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Magic of Librarianship

Yes, I said magic.
Pardon me for tooting my own horn, but sometimes, just sometimes we librarians can pull some magic out of a hat.
A lady came up to me recently and asked about a book (she didn't know the title or the author) that had Queen Elizabeth walking her dogs. That's all she could tell me.
I let my trained librarian mind and fingers do some searching, and being the type of person I am, could not contain a little yelp of joy when I found--not stumbled--the correct book. Curious? It's The Uncommon Reader by Alan Bennett. (I'm waiting for it to be returned and will read it when my Pile has shrunk somewhat.)
In the midst of watching Ugly Betty season 1; I watched most of season 2 this past year and got hooked on it. Thought it would be wise to see where it began. Too much hokey mystery so far, I think, not enough funny drama. Will update more when more has occurred.
I remain, you Savage Librarian.

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